Why Should You Use a CCTV: 4 Reasons

Posted by Saatvision 27/11/2021 0 Comment(s) CCTV,

Are you looking to install a CCTV-based monitoring system in your house?

Here are 4 reasons why you should absolutely do it.

  1. Deters Thieves and Anti-Social Elements: A well-placed CCTV with a board next to it informing people that the area is under CCTV surveillance is itself in many cases enough to deter thieves and robbers.
  1. Record and Replay Evidence: In case a theft or any crime does occur, the recordings of a CCTV can be used by the cops to analyse the incident, determine the sequence of crime and produce the footage as evidence against the criminals, in the court.
  1. Monitor Suspicious Activities: You can monitor suspicious activities at ease using CCTV. Modern day CCTV systems are inconspicuous and can be installed literally everywhere. This can be used by establishments to monitor the suspicious activities of their employees, and can even be used to catch miscreants red-handed.
  1. Maintain Records: By continuously transmitting the recorded footage to a central server or database you can use both wired and wireless CCTV systems to your advantage. Wireless CCTV cameras however are more robust and easier to maintain.

A CCTV is a boon to the safety of any person and property. Please contact us for your CCTV and monitoring requirements.